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—— 2022-11-27
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Integrate[x/(1 + x^6*Sin[x]^2), {x, 0, Infinity}]
Thank you for your email and the derivation. I filed a suggestion with developers for a better message in this case. Dividing into Pi-width sections was useful for getting a better estimate with NIntegrate. Integrate does not perform this integral for the small sections, so no closed-form result is available.
可能是这个积分求不出他的原函数,至于给出的结果不收敛,可能是这样,当x的取值比较大的时候,比如 100000000Pi(可以看出在是Pi的倍数的时候积分函数的值是等于x的,如2Pi带入,结果就是2Pi)时,函数是 阶跃的,函数下面的面积可能mathematica认为就是很大,趋于无穷的时候认为是无穷大。
Plot[x/(1 + x^6*Sin[x]^2), {x, 31.4, 31.44}, PlotRange -> All]
NIntegrate[x/(1 + x^6*Sin[x]^2), {x, 0, Infinity}, Method -> "LocalAdaptive"]